Get ready to gain a clear picture of your financial situation as you prepare for divorce!



This kit provides practical tools to help you prepare for the economic aspects of your divorce.

By using these resources, you'll be equipped to make better choices during your negotiations.

Setting the stage for a more secure financial future for yourself and your children, as you transition into this new chapter of your life.

Joe thumbnail square

Joe Dillon, M.B.A.
Divorce Mediator & Negotiation Expert


Pre-Divorce Financial Preparation Kit.

By taking the time to come up to speed on your financial picture before starting the divorce process, you can streamline your negotiations - which can save you time and money, cut down on stress, and allow you to make better decisions for your future.

This kit is packed with helpful exercises that will give you valuable insights about your financial picture.

You'll gain a clear understanding of your marital finances, including what you own and what you owe. As well as figure out how much you'll need financially after your divorce to support yourself and your children.


What's Included:

But above all else…

The Kit will give you the tools to gain a solid grasp of your financial situation - giving you superpowers when it's time to work with your spouse and chosen divorce professional to negotiate for your financial interests during your divorce.

Get it now for only $59 >

Feedback from Learners:

The materials provided in this kit are extremely valuable tools. They helped me understand the magnitude of what I was going to need and think about financially in the process in an organized and straightforward way.
I didn't handle the finances in my marriage, so it was eye-opening (and a bit shocking) to complete the exercises and see a clear picture of our expenses and spending. The information, lists and spreadsheets contained in the kit were so useful and really helped me start to make a plan for my life post-divorce.

This Kit was Developed by:


Joe Dillon, M.B.A.

Divorce Mediator & Negotiation Expert | 

Founder of Equitable Mediation


Joe holds a Master’s degree in finance, and graduated first in his class.

He completed formal training in negotiation and mediation from Harvard University, MIT, Northwestern University, the NJ Association of Professional Mediators, the Institute for Continuing Legal Education, the Academy of Professional Family Mediators and the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysis.

Joe has served as an instructor training other divorce mediators for the New Jersey Association for Professional Mediators (NJAPM) 40-hour divorce mediation training course and for Northwestern University's 40-hour divorce mediation training course. And as a judge for both the Loyola Law School Mediation Tournament as well as the InterNational Academy of Dispute Resolution (INADR) Law School Mediation Tournament.

Joe is an expert on the money and wealth side of divorce and negotiation among ex-spouses, and throughout his professional career, has helped over a thousand couples peacefully reach a fair and equitable divorce agreement - out of court.

As a child, he witnessed first-hand the damage of attorney-driven litigation. His parents' contentious divorce consumed his teenage years, destroyed his relationship with both of them, and drained the family finances.

His life's work is committed to helping couples and their children avoid the pain and financial devastation of a litigated divorce.

It Pays to Prepare Financially Before You Divorce.

If you do, you'll be better equipped to set the stage for a more secure financial future for yourself and your children as you transition into this new chapter of your life.

Get Started >



Pre-Divorce Financial Preparation Kit

Gain valuable insights about your financial picture before you start your divorce.

So you can make better decisions during the divorce process for yourself, your children, and your future.

Get Started Now >