Equitable Mediation Disclaimer
The materials on this website have been prepared by Equitable Mediation Services, LLC for informational purposes only.
Nothing contained on this website is intended as, or should be construed by you, as legal advice, financial advice, emotional advice or counsel.
You understand and agree that we are not attorneys and do not (1) engage in the practice of law; (2) represent either of you; (3) give either of you legal advice; (4) draft legal documents, court forms, or pleadings; (5) file documents with the courts; (6) provide opinions on the law; or (7) analyze how the law might be applied to your particular situation.
The content on this website may or may not reflect the most recent developments regarding divorce issues in every state. Should you have any questions about a matter specific to your case, you should seek the guidance of a qualified professional in the state in which you live.
Last updated January 29, 2021